6/π stimulated well potential

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Stimulated well drainage

6/π is the maximum possible stimulation potential for pseudo steady state linear flow in a square well spacing.

Math & Physics

Pseudo steady state flow boundary conditions:

P |_{x=x_e/2} = P |_{x=-x_e/2} = 0
 \frac{dP}{dt} =const\ for \ \forall x

From Mass conservation:

\frac{\partial (\rho q)}{2 \partial x}=y_e h \phi \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}

From Darcy's law:

\frac{q}{2}=\frac{kA}{\mu}\ \frac{dP}{dx}
 A =y_e*h
dP=\frac{q \mu}{2ky_eh} dx

Integration gives: P-P_{wf}=\frac{q \mu}{2ky_eh} x

Since average pressure is: \bar P = \frac{\int P dx}{\int dx}

 \bar P = \frac{ \int \limits_{0}^{x_e/2} \left ( \frac{q \mu}{2ky_eh} x + P_{wf} \right ) dx}{\int dx} = \left. \frac{q \mu}{2ky_eh} \frac{x}{2} \right|_{x=0}^{x=x_e/2} + P_{wf} = \frac{q \mu x_e}{8ky_eh} + P_{wf}
J_D=\frac{q \mu}{2 \pi k h} \frac{1}{( \bar P - P_{wf})} =\frac{q \mu}{2 \pi k h} \frac{8ky_eh}{q \mu x_e} = \frac{4y_e}{\pi x_e}=\frac{4}{\pi}

See also

Production Potential


 A = cross-sectional area, cm2
 h = thickness, m
 k = permeability, d
 P = pressure, atm
 P_i = initial pressure, atm
 \bar P = average pressure, atm
 q = flow rate, cm3/sec
 x = length, m
 x_e = drinage area length, m
 y_e = drinage area width, m

Greek symbols

 \mu = oil viscosity, cp