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Inflow Performance Relationship

Inflow Performance Relationship Curve

Inflow Performance Relationship is a curve of producing rates plotted against well bottomhole pressures for oil, water and gas wells[1].

IPR curve shows productive capacity and well performance.

IPR curve is used in Well Nodal Analysis for production systems design, analysis and optimization.

Math and Physics

Oil well IPR equation

  • Darcy's law equation for the single-phase flow of incompressible liquid:
 q = \frac{kh}{141.2 B \mu}\ (\bar{P} - P_{wf}) J_D
  • Vogel's IPR two-phase flow equation (oil + gas) and it's combination with single phase liquid.
  • Composite IPR curve for oil wells producing water.
  • 3 Phase IPR three-phase flow equation (oil + gas + water).

Gas well IPR equation

q_g=\frac{kh}{1422 \times 10^3\ T_R}\ (P_{\bar{P}} - P_{P_{wf}})\ J_D
  • C and n equation

IPR calculator software


 B = formation volume factor, bbl/stb
 J_D = dimensionless productivity index, dimensionless
 kh = permeability times thickness, md*ft
 \bar{P} = average reservoir pressure, psia
 P_{\bar{P}} = average reservoir pseudopressure, psia2/cP
 P_{wf} = well flowing pressure, psia
 P_{P_{wf}} = average well flowing pseudopressure, psia2/cP
 q = flowing rate, stb/d
 q_g = gas rate, MMscfd
 T = temperature, °R

Greek symbols

 \mu = viscosity, cp


  1. Vogel, J. V. (1968). "Inflow Performance Relationships for Solution-Gas Drive Wells". Journal of Petroleum Technology. 20 (SPE-1476-PA). 

See also

141.2 derivation
Darcy's law
Production Potential