Productivity index
J - well productivity index characterizes how much oil or water the well can produce per unit of pressure drop.
Math & Physics
J is defined as follows:
From the Darcy's law for an unfractured well located in the center of a circular drainage area, the J in pseudo-steady state is:
Thus, rate could be calculated as:
The maximum possible stimulated well potential for pseudo steady linear flow is:
, see 6/π stimulated well potential
The maximum possible stimulated well potential for steady state linear flow is:
, see 4/π stimulated well potential
- = formation volume factor, bbl/stb
- = dimensionless productivity index, dimensionless
- = permeability times thickness, md*ft
- = average reservoir pressure, psia
- = average reservoir pseudopressure, psia2/cP
- = well flowing pressure, psia
- = average well flowing pseudopressure, psia2/cP
- = flowing rate, stb/d
- = gas rate, MMscfd
- = wellbore radius, ft
- = drainage radius, ft
- = skin factor, dimensionless
- = temperature, °R
Greek symbols
- = viscosity, cp