Fanning correlation
The Fanning correlation is the name used to refer to the calculation of the hydrostatic pressure difference and the friction pressure loss for the dry gas.
Fanning correlation is the default VLP correlation for the dry gas wells in the PQplot.
Math & Physics
Following the law of conservation of energy the basic steady state flow equation is:
Colebrook–White [1] equation for the Darcy's friction factor:
Reynolds number:
Why Fanning correlation ?
The Gray correlation was found to be the best of several initially tested ...— Nitesh Kumar l[4]
= depth, ft
= friction factor, dimensionless
= pressure, psia
= Reynolds number, dimensionless
= specific gravity, dimensionless
= temperature, °R or °K, follow the subscript
= velocity, ft/sec
= gas compressibility factor, dimensionless
Greek symbols
= absolute roughness, ft
= viscosity, cp
= density, lbm/ft3
g = gas
K = °K
L = liquid
R = °R
SG = superficial gas
- ↑ Colebrook, C. F. (1938–1939). "Turbulent Flow in Pipes, With Particular Reference to the Transition Region Between the Smooth and Rough Pipe Laws"
. Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers. London, England. 11: 133–156.
- ↑ Moody, L. F. (1944). "Friction factors for pipe flow"
. Transactions of the ASME. 66 (8): 671–684.
- ↑ Lyons, W.C. (1996). Standard handbook of petroleum and natural gas engineering. 2. Houston, TX: Gulf Professional Publishing. ISBN 0-88415-643-5.
- ↑ Kumar, N.; Lea, J. F. (January 1, 2005). "Improvements for Flow Correlations for Gas Wells Experiencing Liquid Loading"