Liquid loading

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Liquid loading is a phemonenon when the gas phase does't provide sufficient transport energy to lift the liquids out of the well.

Math & Physics

The minimum gas velocity to remove the liquid equation:

 v_g = 1.593 \sigma^{1/4} \frac{({\rho_L-\rho_g})^{1/4}}{\rho_g^{1/2}}

The minimum gas rate to remove the liquid equation:

 q_g = 3.06 \frac{P\ v_g\ A}{T z}


 A = flow area, ft^2
 P = flowing pressure, psia
 q_g = gas rate, MMscf/d
 \rho_g = gas density, lbm/ft3
 \rho_L = liquid density, lbm/ft3
 \sigma = surface tension, dyne/cm
 T = flowing temperature, °R
 v_g = gas velocity, ft/sec
 z = gas compressibility factor at flowing P & T


Turner, R. G., Hubbard, M. G., and Dukler, A. E. (1969) “Analysis and Prediction of Minimum Flow Rate for the Continuous Removal of Liquids from Gas Wells,” Journal of Petroleum Technology, Nov. 1969. pp. 1475–1482.