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HCPVinj is the total volume injected normalized by the hydrocarbon pore volume. The waterflood is driven by pore volumes of injected fluid. Everything that is of practical interest occurs between zero to three pore volumes injected [1].


 HCPV_{inj} = \frac{W_i * B_{wi}}{HCPV}=\frac{W_i * B_{wi}}{A * h * \phi * S_o}


 A = Area, m2
 B_{wi} = Injected water formation oil factor, m3/m3
 h = Net pay, oil saturated thickness, m
 HCPV = Hydrocarbon pore volume, m3
 HCPV_{inj} = Injected hydrocarbon pore volumes, fraction
 W_i = Cumulative water injection volume, m3
 \phi = Porosity, fraction
 S_o = Oil saturation, fraction

Related definitions

Dimensionless injected pore volume:

 W_{iD} = \frac{W_i * B_{wi}}{PV} = \frac{W_i * B_{wi}}{A * h * \phi}

Injected movable pore volume:

 MOPV_{inj} = \frac{W_i * B_{wi}}{MOPV} = \frac{W_i * B_{wi}}{A * h * \phi *(1-S_{wc}-S_{orw})}


 S_{wc} = Connate water saturation, fraction
 S_{orw} = Residual oil saturation to water, fraction

See Also


  1. Wolcott, Don (2009). Applied Waterflood Field DevelopmentPaid subscription required. Houston: Energy Tribune Publishing Inc.