Valko - McCain bubble point pressure correlation

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Valco - McCain bubble point pressure correlation

Valco - McCain is an empirical correlation for the bubble point pressure published in 2003 [1].

Math & Physics

 P_{bp} = e^{2.498 + 0.713 z + 0.0075 z^2}[2]


 z = z1 + z2 + z3 + z4
 z1 =  A_0+ A_1 ln(R_{sb}) + A_2 ln^2(R_{sb}) + A_3 ln^3(R_{sb})

A0 = -4.814074834
A1 = 0.7480913
A2 = 0.1743556
A3 = -0.0206

 z2 = B_0 + B_1  API_{oil} + B_2 {API_{oil}}^2  + B_3 {API_{oil}}^3

B0 = 1.27
B1 = -0.0449
B2 = 4.36e-4
B3 = -4.76e-6

C0 = 4.51
C1 = 10.84
C2 = 8.39
C3 = 2.34

 \alpha3 = C_0 - C_1 SG_{g} + C_2 SG^2_{g} - C_3 SG^3_{g}

D0 = -7.2254661
D1 = 0.043155
D2 = 8.55e-5
D3 = 6.00696e-8

 \alpha4 = D_0 + D_1 T - D_2 T^2 + D_4 T^3


Application range


 A_0..A_{3} = coefficients
 B_0..B_{3} = coefficients
 C_0..C_{3} = coefficients
 D_0..D_{4} = coefficients
 P = pressure, MPA
 P_{bp} = bubble point pressure, MPA
 R_s = oil gas ration, m3/m3
 SG_g = gas specific gravity, dimensionless
 T = temperature, °K
 Y_{oil_API} = oil API gravity, dimensionless


  1. Valkó, P. P.; McCain, W.D. (2003). "Reservoir oil bubblepoint pressures revisited; solution gas–oil ratios and surface gas specific gravities."Free registration required. J. Pet. Sci. Eng. 37 (3–4): 153-169. 
  2. Afanasyev, Vitaliy; Moskvin, Igor; Wolcott, Ken; McCain, W.D. (2004). "Practical PVT Calculations for black oils". YUKOS publication.