Enhancement Tracking

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Enhancement Tracking is a workflow to assess the benefits achieved by a given Enhancements [1].

As a result Enhancement Tracking provides a Scorpion Plot which answers those questions:

  • How much was spend on each campaign?
  • What is the incremental oil recovery for each well and campaign total vs plan?
  • Which campaign has better $/bbl performance?
  • Which enhancement has better $/bbl performance?

Scorpion plot

Scorpion plot for different Enhancements at the E&P Portal

Math and Physics

The incremental oil recovery (IOR) for the given Enhancement is:

IOR=V2\  - V1\ - V3


V2 - production increase due to Enhancement,
V1 - production loss due to downtime,
V3 - production loss due to decline rate.

IOR is calculated to selected Enhancement lifetime or economic limit.

Decline Curves are used to model base (before) and enhanced (after) well rates.

Enhancement Tracking[2]

Scorpion Plot

The Scorpion plot graphically illustrates total program split by individual events and ranked by success. The curve initiates from the origin at a low scope (low $/bbl) and increasing until running to a vertical asymptote (money spent with no gain in production) and possibly even a negative portion (money spent and production lost as a result of the intervention). This effectively displays program performance ($/bbl), total volume, total cost, and success rate [2].

Scorpion plot[2]


  1. Open the well enhancement page
  2. Create the decline model before the enhancement - Base Type Curve
  3. Create the decline model after the enhancement - Enhanced Type Curve
  4. Inspect the actual IOR vs plan
  5. Save the model data
  6. Move to the next well enhancement

Data required


  1. Martins, J. P.; MacDonald, J. M.; Stewart, C. G.; Phillips, C. J. (1995). "The Management and Optimization of a Major Wellwork Program at Prudhoe Bay"Free registration required (SPE-30649-MS). Society of Petroleum Engineers. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Nguyen, Dzu (September–October 2006). "Improving Performance Management in TNK-BP". Innovator, TNK-BP Technology Magazine (12). 

Martins, J. P., MacDonald, J. M., Stewart, C. G., & Phillips, C. J. (1995, January 1). The Management and Optimization of a Major Wellwork Program at Prudhoe Bay. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi:10.2118/30649-MS