TSO effect

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A fracture treatment, common where high fracture flow conductivity is needed. Very high pressures and very high proppant loadings are applied near the end of a fracture treatment where the tip of the fracture has stopped growing due to bridging of proppant at the fracture dip because of dehydration (frac fluid leakoff).

Then dry-to-wet ratio is becoming larger then some critical value tip-screen out occurs. In this case fracture length stop to grow. And width became a function of injected proppant. If TSO design option is not chosen by the user, then we stop addition of proppant at this place. And show the warning message:” Tip screen-out occurs. Not all the proppant is placed. Try TSO design.”

Also if concentration of injected slurry became larger then defined by user maximum concentration we stop addition of proppant and show the warning message:” Maximum concentration reached. Not all the proppant is placed. Try TSO design”