141.2 derivation

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141.2 is the well know constant which is used for converting from the Darcy's law units to the field units in the well's inflow equations.

For example Darcy's law for the single-phase flow is as follows[1]:

 q_o = \frac{1}{141.2} \times \frac{k_oh}{B_o\mu_o} \times \Delta P \times J_D = 7.08 \times 10^-3 \times \frac{k_oh}{B_o\mu_o} \times \Delta  P \times J_D

The derivation of the 141.2 constant is given below.

Math and Physics

Darcy's law:

 q = -\frac{kA}{\mu} \frac{dP}{dL}

In Darcy's units:

 \frac{[cm^3]}{[sec]} = - \frac{[D][cm^2]}{[cP]} \frac{[atm]}{[cm]}

Converting to the field units:

 \frac{[cm^3] \frac{[ft^3]}{[30.48^3 cm^3]} \frac{[bbl]}{[5.61458333 ft^3]} }{[sec] \frac{[day]}{[86400 sec]}} = - \frac{[D] \frac{[1000 mD]}{[D]}[cm^2] \frac{[ft^2]}{[30.48^2 cm]}}{[cP]} \frac{[atm] \frac{[14.695950253959 psia]}{[atm]}}{[cm] \frac{[ft]}{[30.48 cm]}}


 \frac{[bbl]}{[day]} \frac{86400}{30.48^3\ 5.61458333} = - \frac{[mD][ft^2]}{[cP]} \frac{[psia]}{[ft]} \frac{1000\ 14.695950253959}{30.48}


 \frac{[bbl]}{[day]} = - C_{LF} \frac{[mD][ft^2]}{[cP]} \frac{[psia]}{[ft]}


 C_{LF} = \frac{1000\ 14.695950253959}{30.48} \frac{30.48^3\ 5.61458333}{86400} = \frac{1000\ 14.695950253959\ 30.48^2\ 5.61458333}{86400} = 887.2201322

For the radial flow:

 C_{RF} =  \frac{C_{LF}}{2\pi} = \frac{887.2201322}{2\pi} = 141.20546964

One can be familiar with the inverse of the 141.2 constant:

 \frac{1}{C_{RF}} =  \frac{1}{141.20546964} = 7.08E-03

See Also

Darcy's law

18.41 derivation


 B_{o}(P) = oil formation volume factor as a function of pressure, bbl/stb
 h = effective feet of oil pay, ft
 J_D = dimensionless productivity index, dimensionless
 k_o = effective permeability to oil, md
 P = pressure, psia
 \bar{P} = average reservoir pressure, psia
 P_{wf} = well flowing pressure, psia
 q_o = oil flow rate, stb/d

Greek symbols

 \mu_o(P) = oil viscosity as a function of pressure, cp


  1. Brown, Kermit (1984). The Technology of Artificial Lift Methods. Volume 4. Production Optimization of Oil and Gas Wells by Nodal System Analysis. 4. Tulsa, Oklahoma: PennWellBooks.