Prats effective well radius
Prats effective well radius equation
Effective well radius is a radius value at which well is draining the reservoir under the radial flow.
- For stimulated wells the effective well radius is higher than the wellbore radius.
- For damaged wells the effective well radius is lower than the wellbore radius.
- For undamaged wells the effective well radius is equal to the wellbore radius.
It appears that the behavior of vertically fractured reservoirs can be interpreted in terms of simple radial-flow reservoirs of large wellbore.— Prats, 1961
Skin equation
= wellbore radius, length
= effective well radius, length
= skin factor, dimensionless
= fracture half length, length
- Prats, M., Hazebroek, P., and Strickler, W.R. 1962. Effect of Vertical Fractures on Reservoir Behavior--Compressible-Fluid Case. SPE J. 2 (2): 87-94.