Mature Water Flood Analysis

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Mature Water Flood Analysis (MWFA)

Mature Water Flood Analysis is a workflow for identifying the performance gaps in the mature waterfloods performance.


As a result Mature Water Flood Analysis generates Blocks/Patterns Enhancement List.

Block Enhancement List


  1. Upload the required data (see below)
  2. Check production/injection by Completions, define Reservoirs order for analysis
  3. Gridding - Divide the field into patterns/blocks/buckets ("Blocks" below) (Try to put the same grid for all the reservoirs)
  4. Calculate STOIIP for each reservoir using blocks
  5. Match STOIIP to official numbers by changing the edge blocks areas
  6. Make Plots (by field, by reservoir, by block):History, RF vs HCPVinj, RF vs well spacing, WOR vs Np, VRR vs t
  7. Make Maps (by reservoir) showing Blocks: HCPV, HCPVinj, RF, VRR
  8. Calculate Blocks Enhancement List
  9. Draw conclusions

1. Data Upload

2. Completions

Completion is defined as any combination of the producing Reservoirs in one Field. For example if the Field has Reservoirs: A, B, C producing, then Completions are: A, AB, AC, B, BC, C.

When Field produces from the multiple reservoirs

, and production allocation between the reservoirs is an issue then:


Wolcott, D. ; Applied Waterflood Field Development, Energy Tribune Publishing Inc., 2009.